About Andreu
Team Building Expert and professional speaker. Facilitator at Dreams & Adventures. Twenty years of experience organizing adventure projects, Team Building events and outdoor training for top leading firms from all over the world. AWARDS: Guinness Certificate ( Guinness World Records): Primer español en cruzar el Atlántico a remo en solitario. Premio Internacional a la Hazaña deportiva del Año. Diario Marca Medalla de Oro al Mérito Turístico. Turisme de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
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Modark 33 Copa del Rey Day 2 from Javier Rambla on Vimeo. All credits to Javier Rambla.
Tom Wujec, brings us an explanation of an exercise, easy to organize by not carrying a large amount of material and, at the same time, very useful to challenge a team and test their ability to work as a team: The construction of a tower with spaghetti.
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.
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