At BeChallenged we believe that teamwork, communication, leadership and constructive feedback are the foundations of an effective team. We aim to design events that are tailored to the specific objectives of our clients and in doing so, ensure positive and rewarding learning experiences that will have lasting benefits in the workplace. Our team possesses a diverse range of experiences, skills, knowledge and understanding of how teamwork and behaviour change can directly affect performance. Oliver Sheer.
About Andreu
Team Building Expert and professional speaker. Facilitator at Dreams & Adventures. Twenty years of experience organizing adventure projects, Team Building events and outdoor training for top leading firms from all over the world. AWARDS: Guinness Certificate ( Guinness World Records): Primer español en cruzar el Atlántico a remo en solitario. Premio Internacional a la Hazaña deportiva del Año. Diario Marca Medalla de Oro al Mérito Turístico. Turisme de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
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