Tenerife is the main island where you can organize outdoor events, but we must not forget the beauty of other locations such as Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro.
Tenerife, the large island crowned by Mount Teide, has wide open spaces where to hold events beach with black sand, through the desert and mountains. The city par excellence Carnival offers, exclusively, an activity created by Dreams & Adventures: “Samba Challenge,” a Team Building in Tenerife for your corporate event is the most fun and productive at the same time. You can also enjoy the magnificent scenery around Teide volcanic desert with Team Building with the challenge of off-road 4 × 4. Team Building event in Tenerife is a great opportunity to explore the exotic nature of the area, wildlife and very peculiar and unique in Spain flora.
Beach destinations are also perfect for Team Building in Tenerife. For example, we can organize an Olympics on the beach with a multi-challenges circuit. You can also opt for water sports such as sailing, rafting and windsurfing. But if you prefer a Team Building activity in the Canary Islands without water circuits, you can opt for the fun challenges of catapults, paintball, karting, bike routes or golf.
Dreams & Adventures can customize your Team Building in Tenerife for detail, choosing activities that best meet the needs of the company. But always, our mission is to transmit the values of teamwork through sympathy, fun and sports.
If we want to organize an activity or experience of Team Building in Tenerife before all we ask a number of questions face to choose the best activity and the best place to carry it out. Because to choose a Team Building in Tenerife, apart from deciding to work with us, then you must decide which team building activity you are performing and where we will carry out.
Okay, you’ve already found us the trusted provider with more than 20 years of experience to organize a great motivational event for your team. The first question we usually ask is where customers want to organize their Team Building in Tenerife and, from there, if we confirm a certain place, we will offer activities for this site. But often, the place is not decisive for the company and in this case we recommend to decide before what activity likes of many that can offer and, then, once we know your desired activity, we help you find between our extensive database spaces (more than 80 places in the province of Tenerife) the most suitable for Team Building activity selected.
Therefore, the first question to ask is whether we will give priority to space or, conversely, if space is not critical and are open to all possible spaces, if we are to give priority to the activity.
Should we priority space or activity? Once we know the answer to this question it is our turn to help. And we need to help you better understand your needs.
One of the first questions to ask is the date of the year: what date we organize this activity Team Building in Tenerife? In winter to avoid the cold, the tendency is to organize indoor activities (activities indoor), although if notify participants in advance, and are all well equipped, can also organize outdoor activities, both treasure hunts around the city, as in one of the many farms around there as in mount. In spring, summer and autumn, whenever we can, and have time to travel, we will go to any farm, garden or open space. It is always nice to get out of the office and outdoor activities, so, whenever we can, we go outdoors as to not stay in a hotel room or the same company. In we have over 80 different spaces to make a Team Building in Tenerife.
The next question we have to ask is How many people want to organize the activity? Of course, to know the exact number is impossible before, because at the last minute can always fail people, that is normal and common, but it is important to be clear about for how many people will be the team building activity that we want to do in Tenerife. For small groups of less than 30 people, there is a type of activities to medium groups of 30-200 people there are others that are more suitable, and for large groups, more than 200 people there other activities. There are also Team Building activities that are more suitable for large groups and groups of more than 500 people.
Where are the participants and how long do they have? This is also important to know. where are these people going to be before going to the place of activity? It’s not the same having to think about an activity for people who are gathered in a hotel in the center of Tenerife than to gather at a employee of a company that everyone will find in the morning in the same company or for people who go with their own cars and from their home to the place chosen. The place from which to depart condition the logistics and commuting times. And this is important to know where they come from because this information will be crucial to choose the place.
A very important question that we always ask the person who calls us interested in organizing a Team Building activity in Seville is what is the relationship of the organizer with the participants. And, often, we realize that our interlocutors do not just understand the reason for this question. When we talk about the organizer they do not know if we refer to the person who deals with this within the company (the “meeting planner”), the organizing agency or DMC, the company, etc. and many times we have to clarify it. And the way to be clear is explaining what it is about knowing the relationship between the company that pays the bill and those who are going to participate in the activity, that is if the invoice is paid by a company, what are those people in relation to that company? Even though many people, even MICE professionals do not see the importance of this question, that question is fundamental. And it is fundamental because the type of activity of Team Building that we can do in Seville and the place to carry out this Team Building, usually to be different depending on this relationship between both. It has nothing to do with having a group of Italian marketers of a tire brand (employer-employee relationship), with a group of distributors of a cosmetics brand (supplier and distributor relationship), or with a group of invited doctors together with his wives by a pharmaceutical laboratory (possible prescriber and company). Each of them requires a different treatment, with different activities and, sometimes, in different spaces.
Where do the participants come from? they are Spanish? Are they from Tenerife? They are foreign? And in the case that they are foreigners, where are they from? It has nothing to do with the events that can be organized for people who are from Tenerife, with those who are recommended to organize, for people who have come to Tenerife but are from the rest of Spain, from all over Europe, North Europeans or North Americans. We know. We have organized activities for them on many occasions and we know the tastes and needs according to the geographical area of their origin. For example, a group of foreigners who spend three days in a hotel in and during the three days are practically all the time gathered in their hotel. What will we recommend? As an activity in the centre of the city, because we know that these people cannot leave Tenerife without at least having known the most important of the island.
The next question should be: what environment we want to do the activity? In the center of Tenerife? In a hotel room? on a farm? In the Mount? How many Kms. From Tenerife can walk away at most? These are all questions that will help us select the activity and space to carry out and live this experience of Team Building in Tenerife.
It is also necessary to understand what the activity program is included. Is the activity will be part of some kind of meeting? Is it a convention? Is an incentive trip? At that meeting, is there a slogan, phrase or leitmotiv? The more we know the better we can choose meeting activity and space to carry out the same.
Another very important question is to know what we want to achieve with Team Building activity we do in Tenerife What is the objective the client organizing this activity Team Building in Tenerife? To motivate? create sensation and team spirit? entertain? form? foster personal relationships among participants? Yes, we know, many times, they want to achieve all these goals, but if we can prioritize and define the three most sought after in order of importance, so much the better. The more we understand the objectives to achieve, the easier it will offer an activity that these objectives and better profitability get the customer approach to investment.
Another question to ask is what kind of experience are we looking for? A musical experience? artistic? Motorsport? The type of experience will strongly determine things that that group has done before. If last year made 4 × 4, this year we can surprise them with some paint or something musical. If last year made some musical activity this year we can surprise them with a treasure hunt-like activity with different tests.
Seen from the point of view of the degree of physical activity, it is not the same to set up an orientation test the countryside where all compete walking (or running) for a circuit of three to five kilometers to organize an event of painting where all together they paint a great picture. How much physical activity are we looking for? Are they young people and want something very active, or are they elderly and want something less physical? Or maybe you want something other than anything physical and is type board games like strategy games? We have to ask ourselves this question we have to ask why we think so, and have answers.
And finally, another very important question that often nobody knows or nobody wants to answer, is the million dollar question what we budget for the activity? Having this information is vital because it does not waste time or we will lose others, contemplating activities or spaces that are out of our budget.
If before organizing an event of Team Building in Tenerife, we get all these questions, do some preliminary work to get the maximum number of answers to these questions and we already have clear answers to all or most of them, we will be ready to talk with a specialist and advise us and, from there, choose the most appropriate activity for the group and make a great Team Building event in Tenerife.
Dreams & Adventures we specialize in helping you. We have the experience, knowledge and professionalism to hear what your needs and offer the best ideas. Here we have given some of these ideas, but the chances, in most cases, are endless.
You can get tested and practice answering all the questions we ask you at our events, using different filtering levels or find yourself from our extensive catalog of Team Building activities on our website or, if you prefer, call us, we will do all of these questions, tell us your needs and we will spend the best ideas with the corresponding budget.
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