About Andreu
Team Building Expert and professional speaker. Facilitator at Dreams & Adventures. Twenty years of experience organizing adventure projects, Team Building events and outdoor training for top leading firms from all over the world. AWARDS: Guinness Certificate ( Guinness World Records): Primer español en cruzar el Atlántico a remo en solitario. Premio Internacional a la Hazaña deportiva del Año. Diario Marca Medalla de Oro al Mérito Turístico. Turisme de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
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We have bad news. This week we learned of the sad news of the death of our beloved Isabel Melian, co-owner of the MTZ incentive agency in Madrid.
Gamification is a business strategy that consists in applying design and game development techniques, in contexts of daily or work life, with the aim of improving the performance of those involved in this process.
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