I had not seen it until now that has happened to me online and as an advisor on leadership issues and team motivation and after having seen hundreds of speeches and conferences by business leaders, and having taken the microphone on hundreds of occasions (although I am very bad), I cannot repress my desire to comment.
It has improved. I think he has rehearsed a lot. And this is good. You notice that it has improved. As I see cuts, he has probably repeated shots. And this helps a lot.
In general, I liked his message. I believe that he transmits kindness, good intentions, desire for justice and I am left with the impression that he is a committed and dedicated person.
It has improved because he has stopped reading from a paper in his hand to read from a screen he has on top of or behind the camera. He disguises it quite well. And I do not notice it in the look. I notice it in the intonation. He reads well. He knows how to read. He Sings muchs better. And he makes no mistakes, neither in a comma nor in a syllable. But you still notice that he reads something prefabricated and meticulously measured to try to give the perfect message. And, from my point of view, from the point of view of communication and what a good leader should convey (sorry, professional degeneration), this is a mistake, because it still gives the image that it is a doll that repeats what he has been told to say. And I do not say it is. I only speak of what it transmits.
The King of Spain still has to improve a bit for a good speech. The perfect message is not the message that is uttered without any error and in which one says what everyone wants to hear.
The perfect message of the perfect leader is the message in which one transmits honesty, sincerity, conviction and, above all, authenticity, and this only happens when one expresses his own ideas and transmits them from his heart. Unread
I leave an article in which you can find seven tips to speak in public. Point 6 matches what I’m talking about here. Never read. Always speak from the heart. I will not get tired of saying it.
Why does the king read his speeches?
Sincerely I don’t know. This rule is in any basic oratory manual. I suppose it will be to minimize risks, but the price you pay, by losing authenticity … Is it worth it?
And you? What do you think?
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