Corporate Meetings in Spain
Spain has become of the most popular destination for international corporate meetings. The country is highly ranked when it comes to tourism and international conferences.
Spain has become of the most popular destination for international corporate meetings. The country is highly ranked when it comes to tourism and international conferences.
We all talk about creativity, originality and leadership.
We loved this video where a crazy person is followed by another crazy person and at the moment he becomes a leader who is being followed by others and the “crazy person” stops being a “crazy person”.
We have bad news. This week we learned of the sad news of the death of our beloved Isabel Melian, co-owner of the MTZ incentive agency in Madrid.
Agujas de roca from MANZA on Vimeo.
Modark 33 Copa del Rey Day 2 from Javier Rambla on Vimeo.
All credits to Javier Rambla.
Team building is one of the most important organization development activities. It helps the workers to gain leadership skills, learn how to work together, acquire self development skills and build positive communication within the organization.
When it comes to the games that many people enjoyed playing as kids, treasure hunt tops the list to many adults. The fun, thrill, expectations and excitement that come with it not only make it an enjoyable game but also one which inculcate so many positive elements in a person.
Gamification is a business strategy that consists in applying design and game development techniques, in contexts of daily or work life, with the aim of improving the performance of those involved in this process.
Here I show you the proof that football like many other things in life, is a matter of how good a team is, not how good the parties are.
Motivation is what encourages an individual to act, perform certain actions or make an effort to achieve an objective.
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