MITM is a two-day interactive fair, held annually since 1997. It is aimed at the incentives, meetings and events market, where international travel and tourism companies and organizations, especially in Europe and the Mediterranean area, are They gather through individual and pre-requested appointments, with international buyers, mainly from Europe, who organize and contract incentive trips, meetings, conferences, international congresses and events. These buyers are invited by MITM, after a rigorous selection process. To be able to select appointments, the exhibitors receive the detailed profiles of the buyers days before the start of MITM, together with an appointment request form. The buyers also receive the profiles of the exhibitors to make their selection. Following the requests of the exhibitors and buyers, MITM programs up to a maximum of 20 appointments of 15 minutes each per individual or shared stand (up to 40 appointments for multiple stands). Free time is also given to make additional appointments outside of the agenda. The buyers and the international press participating in MITM will have the opportunity to experience new destinations, infrastructures and tourist services by joining one of the post tours offered by the headquarters and/or the exhibitors. For this reason, MITM changes its headquarters every year. More information at
About Andreu
Team Building Expert and professional speaker. Facilitator at Dreams & Adventures. Twenty years of experience organizing adventure projects, Team Building events and outdoor training for top leading firms from all over the world. AWARDS: Guinness Certificate ( Guinness World Records): Primer español en cruzar el Atlántico a remo en solitario. Premio Internacional a la Hazaña deportiva del Año. Diario Marca Medalla de Oro al Mérito Turístico. Turisme de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
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